Metal knowledge quiz

2030 :shock:
but still not good enough for top50 :|
screw you decide i dont fuckin care that you are 4 angels sent from hell by the satan himself :x
MaidenMadness said:
2030 :shock:
but still not good enough for top50 :|
screw you decide i dont fuckin care that you are 4 angels sent from hell by the satan himself :x
ya huh :|
just keep doing it til you know all the answers
manic said:
1030 :banana:
got 1000 points for saying manowar's first album =S
yea it happens sometimes
have you discovered the three jokers down there 50-50, ask other ppl and joker gimme a hint :D
The whole quiz has gotta be a joke LOL LOL LOL

I got 1000 for getting the lead singer of Whitesnake correct LOL LOL LOL

How easy was that.

Scored 1456