Making a request list in the hub ?


I have alot of the bootlegs that has been shared in the hub so far ( comparing to bobo's list ), but still need some of them, and i guess alot of people are in the same situation so here goes:

Already there is an excellent bot who tells us when new boot arrive, and which one are arriving. Why not make one with requests. Dunno how har it is to make, but i could think of something like this:

!request XXXX-XX-XX Bla Bla, eversogreat performance.

and then people could see who need what bootlegs, and contact them in priv. When then when the request is done, the one who made the request can do :

!requestdone (either an id on the request or just the show date)

, and the show would show up under the completed request.
This is just an idea, instead of having to ask Bobo for all the boots i need, and i'm sure alot of other people will also benefit from this idea..

Please feel free to comment. :banana: