l33t tH3aD

Ah chuffin' think dis thread is eur gurt pile o' pooa 'n is gonneur nowheear. if dis is eur 'ackers language 'ti'n't chuffin' 'a' 'ard ta decode is it. 'n i' mi opinion 'ackers are t' scum!!
rockin_plumber said:
Ah chuffin' think dis thread is eur gurt pile o' pooa 'n is gonneur nowheear. if dis is eur 'ackers language 'ti'n't chuffin' 'a' 'ard ta decode is it. 'n i' mi opinion 'ackers are t' scum!!

Thanks rockin...I needed that :wink:
rockin_plumber said:
Ah chuffin' think dis thread is eur gurt pile o' pooa 'n is gonneur nowheear. if dis is eur 'ackers language 'ti'n't chuffin' 'a' 'ard ta decode is it. 'n i' mi opinion 'ackers are t' scum!!

What? :?
Cyrus said:

Wha' is t' matta wi' thee cyrus dooant thee understan' chik'inn run language??? thee started callin 'a' gormless l33t language sa ah 'ed ta doa summa' ta breyt it up eur bit.
Anotha eason for mee postin 'eear is ah dint want it ta be t' onny thread 'eear 'a' is on topic, 'a' 'ood be eur tragedy.
Ach aye, Eh say the leet stuff's utter shite but naebady listens, eh mean, abadies yasing it and eh think it sorta sucks, ken what a mean, bet ya manic gets pissed aff at is sain this but leet's shit, he probably dusnay unertsand this and that's the hale friggin point