Just to check who is checking this subforum ...

Sorry to hear that Tazz!

I hope that things start going you way soon.

Happy holidays and Happy New Year to all of my fellow hubbers!!

And then Wed my father has heart problems and is raced to hospital to coronary unit... doctor said he was 20 mins from dying... He has some temporary stints in arteries and has to have open heart surgery in about 5 weeks time...

He is ok, running final tests before they finalise the operations.

I can't believe it is only 9 days until maiden tour australia....

And my wife has been making some more communication so...
Hey all, just a quick word, we moved into our new house we have spent last year getting built, however the local exchange is full and I can't get an adsl connection (no cable here) so I am stuck on a wireless plan with low speed and low transfer allowances each month. Just thought I would leave a message so I don't get kicked, but I can't log in for time being which sucks... Am trying to get ADSL connection at some point so will let you know when I can get back online.
Yes it is... I have recently managed to get an internet connection... just need to get this bloody router configured so the hub will connect... :oops:
I can't believe that I was the last to post and it was ages ago.... Have updated to windows 7 and a new router... am hoping that my hub connectivity issues might be over and I can start getting online again... It's been a long time.... Hope all have been well... been a very patchy last year or so for myself.... Stu
But since then I stopped using my desktop and mainly use this laptop... need to set up DC++ on this laptop and link it back to my shares... new maiden album on the horizon is good news, but hope it isn't the last....