International Talk Like A Pirate Day Sept 19th

rockin_plumber said:
Aye, 2 thin's. :roll:
The idea o' this thread was t' talk like a pirate. :|
Talk like a pirate day is o'er now so you have t' wait until next year t' play
again. Aye. :|

i did it :roll:
Frenchy said:
Ahoy, rocky can see all Aye, me parrot concurs

Arrr, me can see you be gettin' the hang o' this now. Maybe a little late,
but what can I expect from you Gar, Where can I find a bottle o'rum?

Frenchy said:
Ahoy, you be just a bad drinker o' strongbow, where can i find a bottle o'rum!!

Ahoy, you go careful on that rum. You get bad enough on the red wine.
Gar, Where can I find a bottle o'rum?