Interested in contributing to Maiden World?


Staff member
I'm currently working on some new features for Maiden World, and I'm looking to gather together a lot of information about the band for the new areas.

If you've got some time on your hands and would like to help, you can PM me for further information.

A minimal amount of learning will be required, to pick up the data storage methods used for the information, and the only requirement above that is the time you want to put into contributing information.

Oh, and I'd like to thank all the active users here for your continued support of Maiden World.
:( I would help Jon, but being a father now I dont get here as much as I did.........

.......And the time I do get I use replying to posts.

And moderating :evil:
What I will say is that if you dont get enuff assistance.......

Let me know and I shall do what I can :D
Might not be much though :P
I would be more than glad to help, but my "web-situation" isn't so good... :|
It would be like a dream come true and I don't have a puter...
I shall go and hang myself.

:( This isn't looking good for Jon.........

Hopefully he will keep us informed and I shall make time if he gets no help :D
same here
if he needs it despretly i will help
but im gonna study more
i wanna get good results on my GSCEs
i can help but i can't tell yet from when. if it all goes by the plan i should be free as a bird from next friday

IF it all goes to plan
It's not daily work and you can do whenever you want from your computer. It will be very easy.