hello thread!

MaidenMadness said:
but nobody can deny my logic......or can he........ :?
wicker nomad said:

Do men actually think? :shock:
yes but that level of thinking is far beyond typical female's comprehension so we act dumb infront of a female

besides you can't blame a guy for screwing up if you think he's dumb so that gives an alibi to do all sorts of shit

ahh its great to be a man :D
MaidenMadness said:
yes but that level of thinking is far beyond typical female's comprehension so we act dumb infront of a female

besides you can't blame a guy for screwing up if you think he's dumb so that gives an alibi to do all sorts of shit

ahh its great to be a man :D
Men would be lost without us LOL

But i'll let you think you are right, you lot always do anyway LOL
MaidenMadness said:
oh.....our suptility with mindcontrol is amazing sometimes

mm to mission control...its ok they've got no clue to whats going on :D

Sorry to burst your bubble :P you'll find out when you get married that we know everything :evil: sure rockin will agree with me LOL
wicker nomad said:

Sorry to burst your bubble :P you'll find out when you get married that we know everything :evil: sure rockin will agree with me LOL
or do you know everything?
maybe you know just what we want you to know :P
wicker nomad said:
you'll learn 8)
ahhh you are so selfconfident that one could say the entire truth before you and you wouldn't believe it cause it against what you were lead into believing through male dominated media...

wow i really am the one that was in delusion this whole time :P