hello thread!

rockin_plumber said:
my search for the movie mentioned in now thinking thread came across a very interesting thread on some forum

02-04-2005, 09:47 PM #1
Golgo13:The Hitman
Return of the Gamma Fiend

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Join Date: May 2003
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Could eating human flesh be 'the best' means of eating a well balanced diet?

Is eating human flesh 'the' best means of eating a well balanced diet?
I keep aquarium fish. Oscars-to be exact. And i've always been told that the best food for them, is feeder fish-(other fish for those with no aquarium keeping backround). The reason is, that everything my oscar needs is eaten by the guppies i feed them. If you feed your fish healthy fish, they'll be healthy because the food fish has everything that the oscars requires, nutritionally..make sense?

So if this is the case, could this thought of thinking be applied to humans, eating other humans?

I mean why go to the grocery store and get oranges- for vitamin c, Steak -for protein and b vitamins, when, if you eat the flesh of another human you'll get everything you need in a couple of bites, as those things your body needs, is what makes up everybodys elses body?