hello thread!

It is....:err:

Your not the police are you? :err: It wasnt me who broke that window a few months ago :err:


rockin_plumber said:
Hi MM......... :banana:

Where yah been :?
well i'll give you two versions. the long one and the short one

long version: well i 've had it with windows so i formatted my hard disk and installed linspire, commercial distribution of linux. after day or two of using it i've seen its utter crap cause they screwed it up totally so i decided to install debian, which is a free distribution of linux. so after i've installed it i've first had some trouble with kernel and after fixining it all of my devicies were working,,well all except modem. and after consulting a friend who knowns about linux more than i do i've fixed the problem. so here i am again online...i see we've got a new croat on the forum..that's nice


the short version: technical issues