hello thread!

maiden89 said:
What's PE exam? :?

Physical Exercise... Well I'll the problem is that the teacher of PE doesn't stand me and I had an exam with him today and he gave me 48%, while normally I should be with the better ones LOL, but I still can get it up till 65% if I'm lucky :?
Iron Monster said:
Physical Exercise... Well I'll the problem is that the teacher of PE doesn't stand me and I had an exam with him today and he gave me 48%, while normally I should be with the better ones LOL, but I still can get it up till 65% if I'm lucky :?

I wish you godd luck then! :wink:
ewil said:
Hi Nomad and Bocky :D

there's new ones in here

manic is the biggest spammer of the world

MM is always so crazy

rocky's napping

wicky always so sweety

Cyrus the man of the more of 10 000 posts

killy (my son) run on the board

bocky moves

chicky is ok (I think, I hope)

#2RY has many numbers friend in here (#2, #3,........... LOL )

SDG didn't come for a long time

TG always eat LOL
the_nomad said:
ewil said:
Hi Nomad and Bocky :D

there's new ones in here

manic is the biggest spammer of the world

MM is always so crazy

rocky's napping

wicky always so sweety

Cyrus the man of the more of 10 000 posts

killy (my son) run on the board

bocky moves

chicky is ok (I think, I hope)

#2RY has many numbers friend in here (#2, #3,........... LOL )

SDG didn't come for a long time

TG always eat LOL
I should post more...
I think I'll post a hundred or so now... :err:
the_nomad said:
ewil said:
Hi Nomad and Bocky :D

there's new ones in here

manic is the biggest spammer of the world

MM is always so crazy

rocky's napping

wicky always so sweety

Cyrus the man of the more of 10 000 posts

killy (my son) run on the board

bocky moves

chicky is ok (I think, I hope)

#2RY has many numbers friend in here (#2, #3,........... LOL )

SDG didn't come for a long time

TG always eat LOL

Hmmm I don't see my name, I could be mistaking though :lol: