hello thread!

the_nomad said:
don't be, I live it well 8)
ok i guess you live well and feel good about yourself cause you dont know what is your hendicap prevening you from finding out what you're missing on
but as long youre satisfied thats ok with me
as its ok with me if youre not satisfied..........
or if youre not alive
in other words i am indifferent to your existance just like you are to mine but if i was normal i would act as if i gave a fuck about your happiness
MaidenMadness said:
ok i guess you live well and feel good about yourself cause you dont know what is your hendicap prevening you from finding out what you're missing on
but as long youre satisfied thats ok with me
as its ok with me if youre not satisfied..........
or if youre not alive
in other words i am indifferent to your existance just like you are to mine but if i was normal i would act as if i gave a fuck about your happiness

so in your other words, you never have any thoughts for me :cry:
MaidenMadness said:
ok i guess you live well and feel good about yourself cause you dont know what is your hendicap prevening you from finding out what you're missing on
but as long youre satisfied thats ok with me
as its ok with me if youre not satisfied..........
or if youre not alive
in other words i am indifferent to your existance just like you are to mine but if i was normal i would act as if i gave a fuck about your happiness
have another drink :|
the_nomad said:
so in your other words, you never have any thoughts for me :cry:
i have opinions about one's posts(cant say actions cause quite frankly..........i know shit about you all just like you know shit about me)
i what i dont have however is the right to comment on your life and/or give you advice
so i have no opinion about your existance
MaidenMadness said:
i have opinions about one's posts(cant say actions cause quite frankly..........i know shit about you all just like you know shit about me)
i what i dont have however is the right to comment on your life and/or give you advice
so i have no opinion about your existance
