hello thread!

rockin_plumber said:
It aint so obvious from you :P

Im all good buddy :banana:

Good man, good result for you guys on the footy :shock: We suffered a bit at the Emirates today, but it wasn't totally unexpected.

We have just been relaxing today, i haven't slept too well the last couple of days so we have just chilled out today and taken it easy.

Glad you are doing ok old friend, how's the rockin family, all ok i hope :)
Bockaaarck said:
Good man, good result for you guys on the footy :shock: We suffered a bit at the Emirates today, but it wasn't totally unexpected.

We have just been relaxing today, i haven't slept too well the last couple of days so we have just chilled out today and taken it easy.

Glad you are doing ok old friend, how's the rockin family, all ok i hope :)

All good here.......

:err: it was only Derby

But Chav$ki lost :banana: :banana: :banana: so thats good 8)

Wassup with the sleep :? Bad back again :?
rockin_plumber said:
All good here.......

:err: it was only Derby

But Chav$ki lost :banana: :banana: :banana: so thats good 8)

Wassup with the sleep :? Bad back again :?

Yeah, it was an easy win for you guys :P

Back has been a lot better since we got a new pute pute chair, seems to have made a big difference. I think its just me brain going overboard thinking about job stuff, stupid really mate, but i just want to make sure i get al the info i can and make the right choice :)

As i said, stupid really, but i'm a bit of a funny bugger like that sometimes LOL