hello thread!

rockin_plumber said:
Hey Ben 8)
Been doin much today ??

Hey man,

not too much really! Been eating alot :err: played drums, went out for a bit, played some more drums, played some guitar hero, played drums again and now Im on here :D

How about thou?
Ben said:
Hey man,

not too much really! Been eating alot :err: played drums, went out for a bit, played some more drums, played some guitar hero, played drums again and now Im on here :D

How about thou?

Talkin of eating.......
I got a christening to goto next Sunday.....
:err: better check my trousers aint shrunk

Just been lazy all day really though 8)
Hi Rockin :D and Bocky :D .... a bit late :oops:

Sorry i'm a bit quiet tonight :oops: I knackered :| And i'm busy looking up bands on Uncyclopedia LOL