hello thread!

Hey dudes, sorry for not hanging around but i'm browsing the T'inter-ma-web on my phone so its a it pricey.

Hope you guys are all ok, thanks for the hello Wicky :) Hope all the Wicky clan are well.I hope the Fraidy's are all ok as well :banana: . Ben give me a few days to respond properly about Rome, but you must let me know when you're going and where you're staying.

All the best to all of you, including rocky,frenchy,killy,luke,chicky,bitchy,revy,sixxy,domy and all the others. I shall return in my full glory (or at lea t clean underpants) soon 8)

Toodles guys :D
Bockaaarck said:
Hey dudes, sorry for not hanging around but i'm browsing the T'inter-ma-web on my phone so its a it pricey.

Hope you guys are all ok, thanks for the hello Wicky :) Hope all the Wicky clan are well.I hope the Fraidy's are all ok as well :banana: . Ben give me a few days to respond prpe ly about Rome, but you must let me know when you're going and where you're staying.

All the best to all of you, including rocky,frenchy,chicky,bitchy,revy,sixxy,domy and all the others. I shall return in my full glory (or at lea t clean underpants) soon 8)

Toodles guys :D

Cheers Bocky