hello thread!

Bockaaarck said:
Pretty good at the moment thanks. We have flown back from Spain today, so we are a little tired, we had a fairly early start :|

But we can't complain as it was a nice little holiday 8)

Glad you had a good time matey :banana: :banana: :banana:

Good to have yah back as well though :D
Bockaaarck said:
Indeed they do :)

So how are things for you old friend :)

Ooop Hiya rockin as well :D

i'm ok mate...at least i'm trying to be ok but other things put me down every now and then i'm afraid , but what can you do...it's life :wink:
school has been a real bugger these last couple of days
Scream for me said:
i'm ok mate...at least i'm trying to be ok but other things put me down every now and then i'm afraid , but what can you do...it's life :wink:
school has been a real bugger these last couple of days

Keep your chin up and i can imagine what school has been like. Work has been a pile of shite for me recently :err:

Still there we go :)
afraidtoshooteddie said:
I'm ok thanx buddy, not much happening here. Sixxy has gone to a health spa with her mother, I'm lazing aroung the house being anything but healthy LOL how are you?

enjoy lazyness moments fraidy :D LOL 8)

before the come back :err:

i'm fine thanx. I'll leave in few moments with missy to buy some apple's juice for winter at the farmer with use to buy each year :D