hello thread!

the_nomad said:
and what about you bocky ??

I'm looking for more cool pictures to put in the Bocky House :D

I'm looking at some nice Black and White photo's at the moment, Steve McQueen :wink:

And i'm just going to have a drop more Vodka :err:


MaidenMadness said:
anything new?

Not really, had a nice relaxing day, just chilling out. Yet again however i've found myself being tempted to look at the official IMBB...............

.....Yet again i've found myself thinking............."Some people are as thick as pig shit...."

Which is honest, but possibly slightly unfair :)
Bockaaarck said:
I'm looking for more cool pictures to put in the Bocky House :D

I'm looking at some nice Black and White photo's at the moment, Steve McQueen :wink:

