So it's official then, Liverpool fans are the worst in all of Europe. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Worse than the Italian fans who left the wife of a police officer widowed.
Worse than the French fans who held an anti-semitic rally which turned
violent and resulted in the death of an officer from the Gendarmerie.
Worse than the Inter Milan fans who on one occasion launched a scooter
from an upper tier of the San Siro and on another caused a Champions
League quarter final match to be abandoned by hurling flares on to the
Worse than the Man United fans who clashed with riot police in Rome.
That's right, in the past four years Liverpool fans have been on the
rampage across Europe and have caused more death and destruction than
any of these incidents.
Except, of course, they haven't. :|
Only in UEFA's eyes has their behaviour been the worst in the whole
continent. Now what would make UEFA contradict everything we know to
be true to come out with such an outlandish and unfounded slur?
Let me think........
Could it perhaps me that they're trying desperately to whitewash what
really happened in Athens prior to the European Cup final and their own
shambolic organisation? :|