Final Frontier released?


New Member
Ok... It's like this:

Either I'm the luckiest guy in the world, or I'm a f*ckin' idiot. (And then there is, of course, the possibility that I'm both ;))

The thing is I just got a copy of the new album in the mail ("The Mission Edition"), and am playin' it as I write!

Anyone else got this lucky?

Amazin' album, by the first listen (on the second listen right now...) Of course, it's a biased judgement. I've been a fan since -85...
:D :D :D :D :D :D
I just bought it less than an hour ago and I haven't heard all of it yet. It sounds amazing from what I heard off it so far. This makes a 10 year tradition for me of buying Maiden albums on the day they came out. I still in High School but broke when Virtual XI came out and I was also unaware of the release date though I bought it later on that year and I was still just discovering Maiden when X Factor came out and wouldn't get hooked on them for another year. I'm looking forward to listening to the whole album which I'm going to do right now! :D