Dave GIFFORD Bis ...


Finally, i managed to contact him yesterday :)

He have sent my package (about 35 bootlegs) , so i should receive it very soon :) :) :)
BoBo said:
15 days should be enough for downloading 35 bootlegs. :)


Yes 2 bootlegs per day. But i will have some work before sharing them ... like to check, to edit an to correct errors, etc..... and to make space on my HDD !!! :D
To finish with this trader :

Finally I have received his package 2 weeks ago (after a wait of 3 months...). About his bootlegs :

- 11 mp3 sourced (in his first mail, he told me that he hated mp3 boots...)
- 1 fake (Tokyo 23/10/2000, which is Yokohama 22/10/2000)
- 1 he couldn't burn me (Oxford 82)
- 1 i have problem to rip (Munich 2000)
- 18 which are ok (well, which are audio for sure... but i had to edit some..)

Conclusion : for sure, i don't going to do any trade with him. What is surprising me the more, is that some well-known traders told me that he was a reliable/good trader, even if he was used to take his time....
But what 's about the 40% mp3-sourced bootlegs he sent me !!!! :x :x

That is to mean that these same well-known traders don't check the bootlegs they receive ?????

For god sake, it's not so hard to check if a boot is mp3 sourced or not !!!
Re: ....

Bequick said:
One told me it takes too much time... well that 1-2 mins per bootleg that is :roll:

In majority of case, it takes 20s max. (the time to open the wave :) ).
If the wave is from an audio source, it is evident, if it comes from a mp3 (evident cut of freq.), it is evident ... Only few case could be a little bit more difficult or put some doubt like MD recordings and sometimes bad tape transfer ....

So in 95% of the case, it take 20s to check a bootleg.... and in 5% of the remaining cases, it could take .... 1 minute.... :)

What is sad, is that more and more "big traders" don't check if their bootlegs are mp3 sourced or not.... If there are not gaps or clicks between the songs, they consider the bootleg as good !!
I really think that it is the best way to spread these shitty mp3 boots....
Last point which make me smile, is that "big traders" reject lossless bootlegs without knowing what lossless means, and is a lossless file .. :roll:
So, they are spreading mp3 bootlegs, and reject lossless boots .. :roll: :roll:
I know that Bobo once tried to explain what was a lossless file to some of these big traders, but didn't listen to him and stayed stick to their false opinion about flac, ape, shn files coming from wave files...

Once again, very sad ... but true
Re: ....

Bequick said:
One told me it takes too much time... well that 1-2 mins per bootleg that is :roll:
I think this comes from fact that some people think you need to check every second of at least one song. I have no idea where that came from.
No. They don't know how to burn audio CD other then copying whole CD. And think about situation when they have to throw away 20-30% of their collection.

Actually they wouldn't. Lots of traders don't care about mp3, but if they sign it on their lists, others who care would have bigger believe in them. Imo. So maybe they would win with it. But I dunno.
But they surely think the other way... as you wrote.
I didn't used to check unless they had clicks or otherwise smooth track transition. Trust was and is a big part of trading. I check all Maiden stuff now ... Bobo has given me homework to check a few ( a few :shock: ) I am off to Vegas tomorrow for a week. I'll hang out here a bit more now when I get home.