CD covers

Maybe someone have these covers:

Caceres '96
Chicago '99
Munich '00
Denver '84
New York - Radio City 3rd Night '85
New Jersey '87
Dallas '99
Nottingham '03 (version without Doctor Doctor)
Essen '99
Pordenone '84
Helsinki (2CD) '86
New York - Troy '87

If anyone can help please contact me
I'm in the process of putting covers on my trade site. I have over 1000 on there right now. I'm in the middle of putting maiden online. Click my WWW button for my site :-)

I found some covers. I'm still looking for:

Caceres '96
Chicago '99
New Jersey '87
Dallas '99
Nottingham '03 (version without Doctor Doctor)
Essen '99
Helsinki (2CD) '86
New York - Troy '87

Glasgow 1993
Monza 2000

Please help me :roll:
Iron_Maiden_01 said:
Try my site :kinkyfruit:

Thanks :wink: . I still can't find:

Caceres '96
Chicago '99
New Jersey '87
Dallas '99
Nottingham '03 (version without Doctor Doctor)
Helsinki (2CD) '86
New York - Troy '87
Glasgow 1993

Dublin 1990
Helsinki (full show) '95
Wolverhampton '98
Iron_Maiden_01 said:

I'll take the time to point out that you've got a website button attached to that post, as with every other post. You might also notice there are no other direct addresses on this page... :roll:
Iron_Maiden_01 said:
Man i hate theadmins on this site. Forever removing links :x
Why should this *forum* part of Maiden World become infested with links and advertising for other sites, especially when we let users put an URL in their "Website" button for logged-in users to see.

I didnt actually remove your link by the way, I decided to overlook it. You made the text blue, but didnt make it a link, so I decided to just warn you about posting URLs...

If you think its unfair, you're quite welcome to explain why, or contact me about it. As for "hating the admins", I spend time backing up and modifying this site to keep it running well, and pay for the hosting costs related to it. I think thats worth bearing in mind when posting statements like that here.

For reference, Maiden World served 225,511 pages last month, and traffic continues to grow each month. I have my rules for a reason and I'd appreciate it if people could abide within them while using this site.