Bye Bye Thread

rockin_plumber said:
Wicky is............

G'nite wicky..............

Hope ur nite improves :grouphug:
with her form ?medicine?
it should turn her frown at least wobbly
I have to go get Jake to bed....they've totally worn him out!!

Bet Mr WN nicks the bloody puter again while i'm upstairs :x :( :x

If he does he'll sit here til 10pm just to piss me off :|
wicker nomad said:
I have to go get Jake to bed....they've totally worn him out!!

Bet Mr WN nicks the bloody puter again while i'm upstairs :x :( :x

If he does he'll sit here til 10pm just to piss me off :|

why doesn't he register here :D
the_nomad said:
why doesn't he register here :D
He only looks on ebay!...I won't suggest him looking at other sites...i'd never get the puter :shock: .....see you later :wink: