Bye Bye Thread

It is nearly time for rockin to depart :(

I wont return until Monday now off to the outlaws tomoro :wink:

Allthough I may get here in the morning but wont guarantee it :err:

Have a rockin good Xmas the lot of yah :banana: :banana: :banana:
rockin_plumber said:
It is nearly time for rockin to depart :(

I wont return until Monday now off to the outlaws tomoro :wink:

Allthough I may get here in the morning but wont guarantee it :err:

Have a rockin good Xmas the lot of yah :banana: :banana: :banana:

thanks rockin same for you and for the family :wink:
good night and come back far
rockin_plumber said:
It is nearly time for rockin to depart :(

I wont return until Monday now off to the outlaws tomoro :wink:

Allthough I may get here in the morning but wont guarantee it :err:

Have a rockin good Xmas the lot of yah :banana: :banana: :banana:
Have a great one :wink:

keep baby_rockin away from your strongbow :D
Going for a while

Merry christmas everyone :banana: :banana:

Killy tell your dad I said happy christmas :wink: seeing as you're not letting him on the puter LOL
wicker nomad said:
Going for a while

Merry christmas everyone :banana: :banana:

Killy tell your dad I said happy christmas :wink: seeing as you're not letting him on the puter LOL

merry Xmas to you dear wicky and all in the maiden-world :banana: :banana: :banana:

I hope Santa been generous with you :wink: and that you had your famous dream theater's dvd :D
the_nomad said:
merry Xmas to you dear wicky and all in the maiden-world :banana: :banana: :banana:

I hope Santa been generous with you :wink: and that you had your famous dream theater's dvd :D
Hello :grouphug:

I probably won't get time to watch it until monday :(
bye guitar :(
when i opened it it had a chip on it
we took it back to the store today and they gotta send it to femder ad it will take up to 2 weeks :shock: :cry:
manic said:
bye guitar :(
when i opened it it had a chip on it
we took it back to the store today and they gotta send it to femder ad it will take up to 2 weeks :shock: :cry:
what a shitter :(

night :wink:
manic said:
bye guitar :(
when i opened it it had a chip on it
we took it back to the store today and they gotta send it to femder ad it will take up to 2 weeks :shock: :cry:
Holy shit! :shock: I'd be so pissed off if that happened to my Bass... :shock: Hope it get's back before then...
Bugger...just remembered I shampooed the carpet this morning....gotta hoover it again now it's dry :x

back in a bit