Bye Bye Thread

manic said:
i brought up a subject to my mates and now we all depressed :(
basically my mates were saying how time's flyed
and i said when you think about it life's over. next year we'll all be split up.
going to work for god know's how long and never having social time for our selves and when we finally retire we won't prat around or go biking.
so now we all hate society and we are depressed :(
and the girls didn't make it easier saying "i'm gonna get married to a man with money so i don't have to work" :x
manic said:
basically my mates were saying how time's flyed
and i said when you think about it life's over. next year we'll all be split up.
going to work for god know's how long and never having social time for our selves and when we finally retire we won't prat around or go biking.
so now we all hate society and we are depressed :(
and the girls didn't make it easier saying "i'm gonna get married to a man with money so i don't have to work" :x

LOL! me and one of my good buddies we're having that sort of conversation, except we didn't whine about it, everyone does it, but basically he said "man, when your friends go off far to college, do me a favour, don't act like an ass hole and stick around, go with them" he was saying this because he was actuing like an idiot dancing around at the bike shop inbetween his shifts...he should have gone to school, but he went for the money makin right away, so now he works at a cafe, non of his old friends are around, and he really regrets not going
Rockhardchick666 said:
LOL! me and one of my good buddies we're having that sort of conversation, except we didn't whine about it, everyone does it, but basically he said "man, when your friends go off far to college, do me a favour, don't act like an ass hole and stick around, go with them" he was saying this because he was actuing like an idiot dancing around at the bike shop inbetween his shifts...he should have gone to school, but he went for the money makin right away, so now he works at a cafe, non of his old friends are around, and he really regrets not going
that is completely different :? i can't really say what i mean but that was closeest
today i skipped school and took up smoking
manic said:
that is completely different :? i can't really say what i mean but that was closeest
today i skipped school and took up smoking
If I was you i'd give up again now, before you can't :|