Bye Bye Thread

Rockhardchick666 said:
okay you two go to your corners!
The#2RY said:
:x You aint listening to what I'm saying!!
The post meant
"Post goodbye's and goodnights" and I said "There's already a bedtime thread" so basically, edit the post and take out "goodnight"

happy now?! :evil: :evil: :x :x :x
The#2RY said:
Who you laughing at? I'm 12yr's old!
rockins swearin at # again he said(twelvetwelveth son of a twelveth son yea
12 ... minutes... to middddddnight
12 12 12 the number of the beast, hell and fire are sworn to be released
12 acacia avenue
public enema number twelve
be quick... or be twelve
hallowed be thy twelve
fear of the twelve, fear of the twelve, i have a constant fear that ryans always twelve, fear of the twelve fear of the twelve, i have a phobia that somethings always twelve

ok... i'll shut up