bed time

sorry rocky, but it's time for me to catch the bed, i'm totally crashed LOL

meet ya tomorrow and have a great sleep :grouphug:
sorry bocky for the flyin' hi :oops: :oops:

but my eyes are dead and need some 'mikados' to stay open :|

have a great sleep to you all and see ya tomorrow :wink:

love you :grouphug:
Frenchy said:
sorry bocky for the flyin' hi :oops: :oops:

but my eyes are dead and need some 'mikados' to stay open :|

have a great sleep to you all and see ya tomorrow :wink:

love you :grouphug:

No problem old friend, sleep well :) :grouphug:
wicky said:
Night frenchy :grouphug:

Even though you didn't say night to me :cry:

sorry wicky :cry: :cry:

it's just coz i said hello to bocky later than you and didn't speak with him :|

my bad, no excuses :oops: :oops: :oops: :cross:

lovin' thoughts wicky :grouphug:
I have to go rocky friendy, Ana has a crappy thing in the poo box :err:

and my bed will be the next stage :D

have a great night and sleep well :grouphug:
Frenchy said:
I have to go rocky friendy, Ana has a crappy thing in the poo box :err:

and my bed will be the next stage :D

have a great night and sleep well :grouphug:

Sleep well Frenchy, good night old friend, and sleep well hugs to you, missy and Ana :) :grouphug: