bed time

Its no good guys, my back is really aching, off to bed for me. I shall have a nice long soak in the morning and fingers crossed that should ease it a little :)

Right, Toodle-Pip you lot.

See you on Sunday if i don't see you here tomorrow.

Bon Soir :wink: :banana: :wink:
Right folks, bed time for me, see you folks tomorrow around 11:30 - 11:45

I have your phone numbers so i'll give you a ring if there are any problems :D

Toodles :grouphug:
Bockaaarck said:
Right folks, bed time for me, see you folks tomorrow around 11:30 - 11:45

I have your phone numbers so i'll give you a ring if there are any problems :D

Toodles :grouphug:

Seeyah Buddy :grouphug:
Bockaaarck said:
Right folks, bed time for me, see you folks tomorrow around 11:30 - 11:45

I have your phone numbers so i'll give you a ring if there are any problems :D

Toodles :grouphug:
See you tomorrow :banana:

Night :grouphug: