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  1. S

    Spawn - the comic book hero

    From SPAWN Al Simmons, once the U.S. government's greatest soldier and most effective assassin, was mercilessly executed by his own men. Resurrected from the ashes of his own grave in a flawed agreement with the powers of darkness, Simmons is reborn as a creature from the depths of...
  2. S

    Iced Earth

    Tämä etenkin Kreikassa erittäin suosittu jenkkipowerbändi on nyt varsin ajankohtainen, sillä bändin albumi Glorious Burden ilmestyy tammikuun 12. päivä ja uuden vokalistin, Tim Owensin kera. Tim Owenshan on tuttu Judas Priestin heikolta -90 luvulta, mutta odotettavissa on todella kovaa tavaraa...