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  1. Jon

    40,000 post!

    I am serious. I take monthly backups on the 1st of the following month. It got too much data to be backing up weekly.... Its not done automatically, so I have to remember to go do it whenever I need one.
  2. Jon

    Bootlegs DB

    Thanks. You've pretty much managed to get the situation 100% right, I really am too busy to put any real time into programming the Bootleg DB at the moment, so anyone with experience in PHP/MySQL who wants to step forward is welcome to get in touch with me for more information. Although I do...
  3. Jon

    40,000 post!

    I have no objection to 10,000 posts a month, since General Chat fills the role it always has. Ideally there'd be more active users over here, but I'm pretty content with how things are right now. That reminds me, must take the backup from last month..
  4. Jon

    The Big Brother Addicts Thread

    I'm going to attempt to avoid this show for as long as possible.. Since I dont read tabloids and only watch BBC news, it should allow me to get halfway through the series at least before it manages to catch up with me on some form of media LOL
  5. Jon

    Maiden-fans against racism

    Double post?
  6. Jon

    GCSEs anyone?

    A2 levels starting in 2.5 weeks here. Currently on "Study Leave"
  7. Jon

    Somethin interesting

    To add to this, you're all using the internet, so its safe to say you have the basic needs met for your survival. Hence you fall into that 8% most wealthy figure.
  8. Jon

    change the title of what are you doing now to no topic

    No topic is generic. Theres like 7 threads which have grown out of control, but we cant just call them "Discussion Topic #1..7" Just my :2c: though.
  9. Jon

    Freeky things thread

    Thats quite a good skin you've got for whatever media player you're using. I was trying to work out what was wrong with iTunes until I realised.. LOL
  10. Jon

    why is mw so slow?

    Not sure myself. The site was down for a while earlier, so maybe the host is dealing with some issues. As long as it keeps functioning it shouldnt be too bad though. Hopefully it'll clear up.
  11. Jon

    Anyone My Age in Here??

    I think this is more of a situation where the main posters here are all pretty much familiar with each other, and some have met each other, so they have their own group and are more direct in talking to each other. Its not that they're leaving you out so much as they are a tight knit group anyway.
  12. Jon

    Photoshop users in here i need help

    ImageReady lets you organize frames to play as an animation. If you dont have the pictures already available, it isnt much use, so you need to create the source artwork first.
  13. Jon

    how do you become a mod???? :-D

    Skeptic One who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions
  14. Jon

    Anyone My Age in Here??

    I thought one of the great things about the internet was that you dont have to reveal how old you are/what you're like/who you are unless you want to. I benefit a lot from the fact that I dont have to deal with my age when doing stuff on the net, and people dont question it. This forum doesnt...
  15. Jon

    how do you become a mod???? :-D

    Assigning people with the ability to remove all the posts in general chat by a competition doesnt really sound like a good idea. Call me a skeptic if you will... :roll:
  16. Jon

    Photoshop users in here i need help

    Hm, I created mine using Flash, exported it to AVI then used Adobe ImageReady to remove/edit and compress it to animated GIF form. Although thats not the most user-friendly of ways to do it. ImageReady is a pretty good tool to make animated GIF's if you can do the source picture editing...
  17. Jon

    Photoshop users in here i need help

    The pixelation is quite harsh on the eyes around all the elements. Also instead of copying and pasting the logo, consult this page on how to create one that looks accurate: ... raphy.html One day when I'm not incredibly busy I should finish the...
  18. Jon

    Who Can Draw a good maiden logo on a pc???

    What exactly do you mean by the Maiden 'logo'. As far as I was aware, the text "Iron Maiden" in the correct typesetting is the maiden logo. Although you could be talking about the eddie's head thing..
  19. Jon

    It is not important what is down, but what is up ...

    Yup, Manowar has co-admin status. Its only really indicated by his "Administrative Monkey" user text. He's also listed on the about page. It is confusing, because the "Staff" group has me as its moderator and Manowar as a user, but that's...
  20. Jon

    New member

    Ok, first you have to grasp what a audio format is. Its a way of storing information about what an audio files sounded like. Lossless and MP3 go about doing this in two different ways, MP3 tries to remove the information it thinks you wont notice that much/at all from the file, to make the file...