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  1. Jon

    Introducing Maiden World Live!

    A Community project to build a Maiden encyclopedia. Anyone's free to register and add information. Find out more and check it out at Thanks for all of your ongoing support with the site, especially as Maiden World (the site) approaches its first birthday.
  2. Jon

    Interested in contributing to Maiden World?

    Heh, official announcement is imminent, but its here: The main page explains the rest ;)
  3. Jon

    Maiden World Live Preview More information soon.
  4. Jon

    Interested in contributing to Maiden World?

    I'm currently working on some new features for Maiden World, and I'm looking to gather together a lot of information about the band for the new areas. If you've got some time on your hands and would like to help, you can PM me for further information. A minimal amount of learning will be...
  5. Jon

    The person above you game

    Did I say I was complaining? LOL
  6. Jon

    The person above you game

    ^^^^ Posts a LOT! Posts: 792 [1.05% of total / 34.43 posts per day]
  7. Jon

    rockhardchick666 IMPORTANT!!!!

    Actually, living on your own and looking after yourself is quite a lot of work, even when you're financially secure. When you're at home, you dont have to worry about all the various bills, where your next meal is coming from, or anything like that.. you just do the stuff you like doing. The...
  8. Jon

    First time I write here

    Wow, thats.. quite an outburst. I dont really see it as a problem if people dont come back to post, its not like you can force someone to participate. Worth pointing out is that maiden world wasnt always at this address, and a number of the earliest users signed up when it was hosted at a...
  9. Jon

    Which hub to connect to?

    D:\Documents and Settings\Jon>nslookup Server: [cut] Address: 62.30.xx.xx Non-authoritative answer: Name: should work fine as a connect address now, just for reference.
  10. Jon

    The all new what are you doing now thread

    What anime is that in your avatar ? :wink:
  11. Jon

    your age (no your real age NOW) 18, by the way. LOL
  12. Jon

    GCSEs anyone?

    Just got my results, exactly what I wanted and I'm off to my first choice university in just over 5 weeks. Just thought I'd let you guys know :) Good luck for anyone else expecting results in the next couple of weeks..
  13. Jon

    Happy Birthday maiden-world!!!

    Yeah, its pretty amazing that its been a year already. Thanks to everyone for their support and here's to the next year of activity (hopefully LOL ). Here's some statistics I grabbed from various places. Over the year: Board started: Tue Jul 29, 2003 12:35 pm Number of posts: 65,476...
  14. Jon

    Scheduled Downtime

    Received this today, just keeping you all informed.
  15. Jon

    Thread or forum for Euro 2004
  16. Jon

    Euro 2004

    This should be a great tournament, Chat about it here
  17. Jon

    Bootlegs DB

    Well, the point you raise about bootleg names is quite important, but its something I had to consider when thinking about the new system Basically as far as I can tell, theres a date, time, venue, setlist and lineup associated with the concert. Those should stay the same for all bootlegs, so...
  18. Jon

    Bootlegs DB

    A good example: All of the entries there are pulled from a database, both the index page and the individual item pages. That doesnt seem particularly useful, since its just achieving what a bunch of HTML files would anyway. The real power is...
  19. Jon

    Bootlegs DB

    Yeah, you're doing a very similar thing, except with PHP/mySQL in the mix it can be made faster and kept up to date more easily. By the time theres like 1500 bootlegs in a PHP/mySQL system you can just change the scripts around to show different things, or add new stuff. If you have 1500 pages...
  20. Jon

    40,000 post!

    I could have it set up to send the files automatically via FTP to my computer, but its a lot of effort and its the kind of thing I'd just assume was working in the background, then one day.. *bang* actually the backups havent been working for a couple of months for some reason. This way I...