You are Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd
Truly, you are a mix of all the albums, you've taken a special quality from each of them and blended together in an all-around goopy mixutre... yummy!
Mainly light-hearted and in general happy about the way things are. You
show that you have high hopes for the future, and are going to climb your
way up the ladder.
You are Meddle
Mainly light-hearted and in general happy about the way things are. You show that you have high hopes for the future, and are going to climb your way up the ladder.
Mainly light-hearted and in general happy about the way things are. You
show that you have high hopes for the future, and are going to climb your
way up the ladder.
You like to take life at a very breezy, low tempo pace, always paying attention to the current mood, never look too far into the future... or to far into the past. Be careful however, as Time can catch up to you if your not careful.