What time is the MP3 hub online?


New Member
Hi all, have just PMed MaidenAustria.

Just setting up DC+++ first.

I used to use the hub about a year or so ago, but obviously since then you guys have started enabling MP3s (great for me, still a 56k user, till my area hits broadband Jan '05). And you are now using a registration method, seems only fair.

Anyway, I live in the UK, so whilst posting this topic it is 9:24am, I would like to know what time (GMT time) the MP3 hub is online?

Thanks all.
Because of Thommie's and Mine dual-hosting we should be online from ~11 a.m. until midnight and sometimes overnight (all GMT+1)

Be(a)st regards,
time zones

for people like me who live in the states how does this gmt thing work cause i confused myself trying to figure it out lol