VERBATIMS "As a Maiden fan..." Needed - Big person


New Member

I’m coming a last time to get what French sociology calls verbatims (exact excerpt of people’s account during a survey) in order to be included in my thesis so that they can back up some of my ideas. Usually one gets those verbatims with the transcription of recorded speech during interviews but as this survey has been made thanks to the Internet, I unfortunately don’t have the money to fly and pay you a visit. So we will finish the word the way it has been started.
As I've written it in the subject, it is a very, very, very long piece of writing! Probably one of the longest you will ever write outside your studies. So I have to thank you deeply in advance for the time you will spend on this document.
Take your time. Do it "bit by bit" if necessary.
I've got until August 10th to include your words, so we have time.

Don’t be afraid of misspelling or whatever, it’ll be corrected.

The Most IMPORTANT: USE YOUR OWN WORDS and YOUR OWN STYLE! DON’T BE AFRAID TO WRITE WHAT YOU’VE GOT IN YOUR HEART AND IN YOUR MIND, even if, it looks sometimes rude. We don’t care! It’s sincerity that will give interest and value to these quotes in my work.

Warning: this request concerns the people who have already filled out my questionnaire. If you haven’t done it yet, please do it FIRST, because if you do it afterwards, the results will be hedged. Indeed, the following questions are asked in a way to get elements to validate or invalidate the hypothesis of my research; they are pretty straightforward and they could direct your way of filling out the questionnaire in case you would fill it out afterwards.

The questionnaire is available at the following link:

It would also be great to get your profile with it...

The DOCUMENT to be completed is available @ :

Then you can send me all the document at my email address :

Thanks again for all your efforts and participation!

See you soon,

Best regards,

Jean-Philippe PETESCH
PhD Student at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Please give detailed answers...

Hello again,

I'm a lucky guy because I've already received 9 "essays" within 24 hours !

Unfortunately, for some question there are sometimes only "yes" or "no" whereas it would be great to get your reactions or comments about the questions or about what they inspire you.

For example (it is not an actual question in the document) : "Do you drink beer?"
Instead of yes or o"
You can answer many things such as:

"I don't drink alcohol or beer because it don't want to keep an healthy living. etc."


"I'm greedy and it's a waste of money. I prefer buying records instead. etc. "


"Yes I drink but it has nothing to do with Maiden I started before I even knew them. etc."


"I drink because I met maiden fans who love their beer and to be part of the crowd, I started drinking. etc."

So please write as much as you can because I have to give some quotes to every single question.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
