TEMP HUB from 2004-11-24

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Active Member
I'll run it on my home computer in next few days.


If I have to reconnect I will have different IP address and that means I have to update no-ip.com before you can connect again.
Other computer is in mess currently. Too complicated to explain, but basically one idiot has removed network connections among others things and we have to wait until system admin sets everything.
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Why is it that people who have no clue about PC's insist on trying to act like they do and screw them up? Shoot the idiot! LOL :D

So is there a hub (temp?) to log into? As I'm not big on computer stuff I don't want to go changing stuff until I know it is up and running or else I might stuff something else trying to get it to work when it isn't accesible! HAHA
You have it in your favourites hub allright? Open favourites.xml in your DC++ program folder and you see what is password.
Hub will be down for ~30 minutes around 14:00 GMT because i have to take my hdd to the uni and that means turning off my computer. After that we will be back to the normal hub address.
I have everything here, so I didn't lose anything.

I will close this thread, so we don't confuse people with temp hub.
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