New Rank


Staff member
Added 'Senior Member' status for people with over 500 posts. Theres a few of you..

Strangely I wouldnt qualify, but since when do I need a status indicator ;)
Jon said:
Added 'Senior Member' status for people with over 500 posts. Theres a few of you..

Strangely I wouldnt qualify, but since when do I need a status indicator ;)

They don't get much more senior than you do they :D
rockin_plumber said:
They don't get much more senior than you do they :D

Steve/Manowar might contest that.. LOL if he has time from his busy schedule :roll: . I guess thats what throwing $$$ at a website gets you. :)
may i put a suggestion. ok i thank you for opportunity to put a suggestion

i suggest that when a user collects 666 posts he can put his own custom rank.
MaidenMadness said:
may i put a suggestion. ok i thank you for opportunity to put a suggestion

i suggest that when a user collects 666 posts he can put his own custom rank.

Watch out for the ladies with comments like that :err:
AGuyFromNY said:
hmm i never noticed that we can't make a custom status.

vBB allows that, but not phpBB. Maybe I'll install a hack to allow it, since it doesnt really bother me all that much.
Jon said:
vBB allows that, but not phpBB. Maybe I'll install a hack to allow it, since it doesnt really bother me all that much.
sounds good to me, we can always write something that we think it's cool but everybody else doesen't care about :)