MP3 Hub Access


New Member
I'm sorry to be a pain but anyone who has posted a msg in the registration thread who is still not registered, could they instead follow the instructions on this thread, the registration thread has become too hard to follow. So,


R U L E S !!!!!

1. Only music is allowed here (no software, no porn, no movies, no warez, ...).
2. Only bootlegs (no official commercial stuff: studio albums, singles, live albums, cover albums, videos, promo videos...).
3. Converting lossless (APE, FLAC, SHN) formats to MP3 and the other way around is strictly forbidden.
4. You don't have to share if you don't have anything. Share it later after you download.
5. Only one show per download from each user (you can quene more albums form users with lot free slots).
6. Do not leave hub and continue to download
7. English only in main chat please. If you wish to speak other languages, please do so in pm.

8. You will be kicked for 24 hours if you break this rules once and permanently banned if you break them a second time.


If you see a user sharing something illegal, you may ask them to remove it via pm. If they do not reply or do not comply you may refer them to an op who will deal with them accordingly. And to the same effect, if you are pm'ed by another user requesting you to remove something from your share, DO IT! Although they do not have the power to kick you, they will only refer you to an op who will punish you accordingly, so there really is no getting out of it.


STEP ONE: Read the rules above very carefully, this is extremely important, as we will not hesitate to kick or ban anyone breaking these rules.

STEP TWO: When you have read the rules, PM one of the users listed at the end of this post. They are all operators in the hub, and will register you. As the subject for the PM, put 'Hub registration'. In the PM, you must say that you have read, and agree to the rules. Then say what you wish your username, and password to be. Here's an example:

Subject: Hub registration

I have read and agree to the rules of the hub.
nick: Bruce
password: dickinson

STEP THREE: Await your hopefully swift response.

STEP FOUR: To connect to the hub, open your DC client, and open the Favourite Hubs folder, and add this hub: In the identification section of the hub properties, enter the nick and password you had selected. Click OK!

And you're done. Thanks a lot, and enjoy the hub.

MP3 Hub OPs:
