irony that surrounds us


Active Member
its fuckin unbelivable
sorry but i HAD to make a thread like this
cause sometimes i post in angry thread or in happines thread cause there isnt apropriate thead available
i have this class at my collage. its called digital electronics
and we have laboratory practices from that class
before we can attend laboratory practices we must take the intro exam which we must pass in order to do the practice we are supposed to do
and to solve that we must write a long preparation(for example preparation for today's pracise was 10 pages long
written all by hand cause we MUST write it by hand)
irony of it all is this
before today we had 6 practices. prepartion for those 6 i took from a friend of mine and just copied his and handed in as mine and i never had any problems with intro exam
for today's practice however i did my very own preparation, for the first time and i failed the intro exam LOL LOL
god damn thats fuckin ironical
rockin_plumber said:

no, he isn't tupid, I edited my post because i didn't write it very easy to read. But also, rockin, you could see that my last change is after he's post so
:withstupid: LOL