Frenchy said:oops i already post my happy birthday in the other thread about presents coz didn't see this one
so one more time
Happy birthday Ben :banana: :banana:
powerslave87 said:...........And I seen a large amount of breasts at the Crue, and I was 4 rows from the front 8)
to quote delboyrockin_plumber said:Breasts
MaidenMadness said:to quote delboy
in a few years i'll be lucky to even get to raise my blood pressure let alone something else
you're in those years right now
you're exactly what 43 right?rockin_plumber said:Theres a good few years left in me young man :|
MaidenMadness said:you're exactly what 43 right?
oh :|rockin_plumber said::x :x :x 33 :|