do you wish we had brigades here?

Haha, you can htank me for all the Brigades on the IMBB. Me, Mad For Maiden, Amba, and a couple otherds decided to make a "Pro Janick Brigade", and we would post in threads in which people bashed Janick and such, and we would "fight" them. Then about a week later, I decided to make a "Pro Janick Brigade Sign-Up Thread", where we could recruit more members to show our support for Janick. Then everyone started making Brigades, which is stupid, because no one else gets bashed like Janick. Well, Blaze does, so the Pro Blaze Brigade is cool in my book.

so you are to blame LOL well i signed up for positive emotions brigade, cause well, i don't have to defend anyone i just have to make argumentive posts and not get angry