

New Member
Hi everyone, I´d like to know what is a bootleg, a show recorded not officaly?? And howand where i can get these??
thg1 said:
Hi everyone, I´d like to know what is a bootleg, a show recorded not officaly?? And howand where i can get these??

Basically, a bottleg is a recording not officially released by the band rather than not officialy recorded, as radio / TV / INternet broadcasts can also count as bootlegs.

As for where to get them... I don't know where to start.
There's trading with other users.
Downloading from the hub.
Downloading from bootleg newsgroups
downloading from FTP servers
downloading from web sites

the list goes on...
Yeah a bootleg is a recording or a video of a show for fans by fans. Its something that you cannot go out and buy in a store locally. As for where to get them, you can try programs such as DC++ on a hub that has them, there are Maiden hubs that you can get on to and there's also a metal hub that you may find some stuff you want there. (address The only problem with that hub is you have to share about 30 gb and have two slots open before you can enter it. It is a public hub. There are some private hubs out there that are Maiden Only hubs that you might be able to check out. You can also download from programs like WinMX, Emule, SoulSearch, Kazaa, Audio Gnome, MiRC and EDonkey. As for FTP access I suggest you go to and check out the FTP sites that are there. You have to have a FTP Client to log on to them and check out the sites. There's also Snail Mail (Postal Mail) trading that you can do with other individuals, but you may not be able to trade with anyone if you don't have much of a list yet, which sucks......everybody has to start somewhere. :) I hope that helps you some. :)

MetalPrincess639 said:
There's also Snail Mail (Postal Mail) trading that you can do with other individuals, but you may not be able to trade with anyone if you don't have much of a list yet, which sucks......everybody has to start somewhere.
Traders will do 2:1 trade if you don't have anything for trade.