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  1. L

    Maiden at Abbey road

    :withstupid: dont forget the codpiece..... :shock:
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    Steve's Birthday!

  3. L

    Who is he?????

    i've actually heard em all..... and i will admit... s & m is alrite.... but a few years ago i went to see em with a friend and i gotta say... trujillo aside i wasnt impressed...... i know a lot o people have said their latest tour wasnt that good but i saw maiden this year and i was...
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    Who is he?????

    o well..... and i say metallica suck based on personal experience..... :banana:
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    Rock in Rio vs Live After Death

    who cares about the premiership..... ALL HAIL AN ALL ENGLISH CHAMPI9ONS LEAGUE FINAL.....;
  6. L

    the NOTB's 25th birthday

    yeah.... but n o offence.... hbtn is s0oooo the best song on there.....
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    Who is he?????

    really??? do go on..... funny sig btw.....
  8. L

    Who is he?????

    you know the origin of the thread was really about benjamin breeg... i just threw the metallica thing in cos i know they suck..... badly..... but anyway..... back on topic... so who is benny breeg??? ah who am i kidding... this bit will be ignored...... :cross:
  9. L

    whats your favourite new maiden song

    greater good..... no contest...
  10. L

    Rock in Rio vs Live After Death

    disagree all you want you know my first point is true.....
  11. L

    Who is he?????

    if you lookat the right corner of my sig you should notice a signature..... question is... who is this guy really??? has 'Arry finally gone mad?? Why do metallica suck so much??? (had to put that last one in...)
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    Why Maiden?

    yeah... im confused...
  13. L

    Why Maiden?

    i did notice...... see????
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    Why Maiden?

    :err: ok..... :err: i was trying to emphasise a point......
  15. L

    Why Maiden?

    two words........... STEVE FUCKING HARRIS!!!!!
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    Rock in Rio vs Live After Death

    first of all...... united suck.... plain as..... :o second of all.... my pic still doesnt work...... :cross: and finally....RiR....
  17. L

    about Maiden in general chat

    erm................ i got n othing.....
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    Rock in Rio vs Live After Death

    in my tired state i cba right now.....
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    Rock in Rio vs Live After Death

  20. L

    Rock in Rio vs Live After Death

    yup.... :D