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  1. Jon

    To the helpful individual mailing viruses

    So for the last couple of weeks I've been receiving viruses mailed from the IP : [] The mails destined for all kinds of different addresses, contain fake text customized by an individual to try and target both me &...
  2. Jon

    Did you put your PC in the livingroom?

    Desktops in bedrooms, laptops for using the wifi around the house. Works out well.
  3. Jon

    camilla they don't like you !!!

    Its all for show anyway. She's not going because some people would see that as her approving second marriage and that would probably create a whole fuss, so she stays away. Its publicity, press and spin. Nothing more.
  4. Jon

    Introducing "Debate" Forum

    As per MaidenMadness' suggestion, this forum is for serious discussion of any topic. Mods should keep threads here free of bad posts, where bad is defined as: full of smilies generally not contributing to the discussion personal attacks/insults. The general chat, of course, maintains...
  5. Jon

    Please Jon!!

    I have no idea whats going on here, but deletion of old threads is NOT PERMITTED for any reason. (I'm quoting the above post only because it mentions it, not pointing fingers at anyone). Moderators should, by enlarge not delete threads or posts unless absolutely neccessary. For concerned...
  6. Jon

    Your Name in Japanese..

    Ah, I was wrong earlier when I said Maiden World doesnt support other character sets, its just Safari has a few issues with posting non-english characters for some reason. It wont show up if you dont have east-asian language support in your OS, but "ジョン" is my name in japanese..
  7. Jon

    Your Name in Japanese..

    There are different alphabets in Japanese. Seems like this only uses the Katakana, which is the alphabet used in Japanese to represent foreign words. Its more interesting to track down the closest representation to your name is in Kanji, because those have meaning in addition to the...
  8. Jon

    Please Jon!!

    :bananadance: Done.
  9. Jon

    you know what...... i'm happy

    being a bad driver isnt a matter of which sex you are, its just a general thing that 75% of the population have. oh yeah, and that statement doesnt hold water. the demo lap driver at the Nurburgring (Nordschleife, old version) is a woman who drives a BMW M5, and she's practically unbeatable...
  10. Jon

    Maiden World Server Move

    I sent this to MaidenMadness. The clock has been set correctly and there may be issues for the next 2 hours as a result. Things should work fine afterward though.
  11. Jon

    Audio/video 1986/11/15 bootlegs wanted

    Looks like you're right about the audio bootleg. ... andinavium Can't help with your request though, sorry.
  12. Jon

    Dream Cars

    See Manowar's pic, Subaru Impreza. Hopefully it'll be less of a "dream" car by Summer 2005 ;)
  13. Jon

    Maiden World Server Move

    I emailed the server admin, he'll fix it when he can I guess. The actual server is off by 2 hours.. $ date Sat Jan 1 23:01:53 GMT 2005 (at 8:54pm, according to my PC).
  14. Jon

    Maiden World Server Move

    BUGFIX: Safari (1.2, 1.3) on Mac OS X would render the front page with incorrect spacing in the table columns. Now renders correctly.
  15. Jon

    Maiden World Server Move

    BUGFIX: Safari (1.2, 1.3) on Mac OS X and possibly other browsers would refuse to render this forum in english if your system was configured to accept one of the other languages too, even if english was prioritized higher. Now renders in english when appropriate.
  16. Jon

    Maiden World Server Move

    A new year.. A new server.. (almost) The server move is now complete. If you're reading this message, you're reading it from our brand new server in europe. The site seems to respond in about half the time it used to, which means you should notice some nice performance differences...
  17. Jon

    Maiden World Upgrade to phpBB 2.0.11

    Also joining the upgrade pile is Maiden World Live, being upgraded to MediaWiki 1.3.9. Assuming both the forum and MWL are still fully functional tomorrow, the move will go ahead as planned.
  18. Jon

    Maiden World Upgrade to phpBB 2.0.11

    Tomorrow will probably bring the move to the new european server, assuming all has gone well with the upgrade. Here's hoping.
  19. Jon

    Suggestions for forum

    As far as I know, the only people who can appear as hidden are moderators/admins. I could be wrong though.
  20. Jon

    Suggestions for forum

    I think the size of avatars was discussed previously. I'm happy with their current size unless you feel there's a specific need?