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  1. Jon

    Maiden World Software Update

    Well, Maiden World went for an unscheduled break there because of some impromptu software upgrades. Thanks to someone using exploits in our (slightly outdated) board software to post messages as Manowar telling us our software needs upgraded. To that individual, I'd like to point out that...
  2. Jon

    now thinking

    I've been on a summer break for about as long as I can remember at this point (I think May/June?) Just killing time till the new university year begins ;)
  3. Jon

    Show thyself

    Thats a few posts I specifically wanted to reply to from this thread. There's tons more I could say, but I'll leave the rest from here to you guys for now. If anyone wants to get in touch with me regarding this, or anything about the Maiden World Forums, you can PM me, e-mail me...
  4. Jon

    Show thyself

    As above, if you wish to leave it's your choice to do so. I'd ask that you reconsider leaving over a bit of humour that seems to have been taken the wrong way. Everyone has their own opinions on things, and having arguments over things like this just seems to be killing the community spirit...
  5. Jon

    Show thyself

    I think some people took the wrong actions on this content, reacted badly and created this drama. I'd like to think the majority of members saw this for what it was, a bit of light-hearted humour and a joke. If you wish to leave thats a decision for you to make, but I'd ask that you perhaps...
  6. Jon

    Show thyself

    This is the right sentiment here. If you don't like the pictures that were posted in the thread (and its understandable that some people might not), it really is better just to let them lie and avoid this thread rather than go and stir trouble up over them. All it does is create bad feeling...
  7. Jon

    Show thyself

    I got a PM about this, so after reading the last ~10 pages of this thread (including all the affected material) here's what I think. The content posted was in good humour, and I'm pretty happy that its suitable for both Maiden World's audience and the tone of the thread. There's a generally...
  8. Jon

    Maiden World Front Page

    Give me a break, I do CS so most of my time is spent writing code, not english ;)
  9. Jon

    Metal Bootleg Database Bittorrent Tracker!

    The tracker link is fine, the promotion was a bit too much.. Post edited. Note: the general intention of the no ads rule is to keep advertising for duplicates of features that are already available at Maiden World off the board, as it really doesn't do this community any favours. Thanks,
  10. Jon

    New website - IRON MAIDEN

    That link seems like a referral code... Locked.
  11. Jon

    Maiden World Front Page is this site's attempt at a Maiden Encyclopedia, just in case you hadn't happened to stumble across it. As for the news thing, I'll probably knock together some kind of submission page so that people can submit interesting news items about Maiden to go on the...
  12. Jon

    Maiden World Front Page

    The front page of Maiden World (here for those of you who never venture outside the forum :wink: ) tends to get a little bit out of date with the latest developments due to me & Steve's increasing workload. So, simple poll. If you could submit news items about Iron Maiden to go on the front...
  13. Jon

    Please read (and OBEY) this

    I'm currently considering my position on this. The page widening thing is related to the forum skin, and something I was considering fixing by technical means instead of making people abide by these kind of rules. However, I'd like to point out that posting long urls and big pictures is...
  14. Jon

    Happy Birthday maiden-world!!!

    Maiden World's Second Birthday! Its that time of the year again, we're celebrating the second year of Maiden World's operation. Here's to the second of many! :cheers: Fun Numbers Board started: Tue Jul 29, 2003 12:35 pm Number of posts: 139055, 190.18/day (65476, 178.88 ) Number of...
  15. Jon

    [NOT-OFFICIAL] Lossless & Videos Boots Only DC Hub

    Just to clarify, this isn't one of the official Maiden World DC Hubs, which are supported by this forum. Thanks.
  16. Jon

    Maiden World Server Move (08/07/05)

    Everything seems smooth now, thread unstickied. Thanks everyone.
  17. Jon

    Maiden World Server Move (08/07/05)

    Fixed, thanks.
  18. Jon

    Maiden World Server Move (08/07/05)

    If you're reading this message, you're accessing Maiden World through the new server instead of the old one. The DNS changes may take a little while to propogate, but the move seems to have been pretty smooth. If you notice any problems, issues or slowdowns, feel free to e-mail me. jon AT...
  19. Jon

    Maiden World Server Move (08/07/05)

    Today (Friday) Maiden World will be moved to a new server hosted in the US. There will be some downtime, as I'll close the boards sometime tomorrow for a few hours to prevent posts getting lost in the transition. So if you see the board closed, don't panic, we're coming back! Also, I'd...
  20. Jon

    To the helpful individual mailing viruses

    'Loosing' your spellchecker would be a damn shame too :P