Recent content by Doadman

  1. D

    The best songwriter except of Steve

    You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to believe you are wrong. The difference is that I am happy to respect your right to a valid opinion without dismissing it as 'Bullshit'. It would appear that you are not.
  2. D

    least fave song from each album

    I love Maiden as a band and have followed them for 28 years now but I'm not totally blind - they have done some very poor songs over the years. 'Can I Play With Madness' was certainly a low point on that album and I REALLY don't like 'Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter', which I find...
  3. D

    The best songwriter except of Steve

    I'm relatively new to the board and I've enjoyed reading the threads but this one really threw me! In a thousand years I never would have expected Bruce to run Adrian so close. Bruce may be a decent songwriter but I just can't see him in the same league as Adrian. Adrian Smith left the band and...
  4. D

    Why Maiden?

    In the late 1970s I was heavily into punk, as were all my friends. I'd heard a couple of Rock tracks from the likes of Deep Purple and Black Sabbath and I thought they were OK but not enough to really convert me. I was at some guys house (friend of a friend) in 1980 and he put the first Iron...
  5. D

    Favourite Album

    As with a beauty contest, here are mine in reverse order: =14th) 'Fear of the Dark' and 'No Prayer for the Dying' - Some good moments in these but overall they are extremely weak by Maiden's standards and I rarely listen to them at all now. 12th) 'Virtual XI' - Some great songs here and I...
  6. D

    janick gers

    If you had to choose a guitarist to leave Maiden, it would have to be Janick I'm afraid but I have no objection to him staying. He is relevant to the band as heis playing does offer a slightly different feel and he certainly adds a dynamism to their stage act. I think that keeps Dave and Adrian...
  7. D

    Best current Iron Maiden Guitarist?

    The problem with Janick is that he falls between two stools in terms of the Maiden styles. He doesn't have the flash dexterity of Dave Murray and he doesn't incorporate the melodic thoughtfulness of Adrian Smith. A perfectly good guitarist but I doubt he'd pick up many, if any votes, in a poll...
  8. D

    Why do so many people hate Blaze?

    I find this an odd question to respond to because I really didn't like him yet I voted to support him; why? I first heard Iron Maiden in 1980 and I would say that hearing Prowler for the first time was a changing point in my life because at that point I fell in love with Rock music and the...
  9. D

    What is The best maiden solo?

    To a degree I think you're all right in that it is an almost impossible task to decide as Iron Maiden have such a large body of impressive work to choose from. However, forced to make a decision I'd have to go for Stranger in a Strange Land as it simply has everything you could ask for in a...