Recent content by bluefish21

  1. bluefish21

    Tour de France

    I'm not a cycling fan, but go Lance!!!
  2. bluefish21


    On a different note, I think I've noticed something during these types of discussions. While it's true that the U.S. is very unpopular right now, it is also true that people in Europe and South America seem much more critical of their governments than we are of ours. That is probably a good...
  3. bluefish21


    There should be no reason for a war in Canada. It is a good country that by and large is able to stay out of foreign entanglements. Also, God forbid that a day comes when Canada is attacked, the U.S. will fight with you becuase you are a great ally and because the U.S. would never tolerate an...
  4. bluefish21


    Yes. NATO waited far to long. But where would Croatia be if we didn't intervene at all. My country got involved even though we had no national interest to do so. We did it to help end the genocide.
  5. bluefish21


    I agree with everything you wrote. I mention the UN only because it is important to people outside of the US. You're right, the U.S. uses the UN if it can, or ignores it if they can't. But let me be clear about my personal opinion. I think the UN is a sham. Any organization where you have...
  6. bluefish21


    By the way, I hear Nova Scotia is a great place. I like and respect the Canadians. The U.S. is more conservative than Canada. That's a fact. But we can still disagree and be friends. Canada is an important ally to the U.S. and I appreciate that. Our country's differences on Iraq shouldn't...
  7. bluefish21


    One other thing, "Judge not lest ye be judged." Croatia expelled and masacred many Serbs. Sure these atrocities were somewhat overshadowed by the deliberate strategy of ethnic cleansing, through expulsions and massacres, of Croats and sometimes other non-Serbs from Serb-controlled territories...
  8. bluefish21


  9. bluefish21


    Regarding Israel, there are 2 sides to every story. Clearly, you only see Israel's wrongdoings while you ignore the acts of terrorism by Hamas and Hezbollah. Stating that a stable situation in the Middle East is not in the U.S.' best interest is nothing more than perniscious nonsense...
  10. bluefish21


    It depends on who are allies with Iraq? What do you mean?
  11. bluefish21


    I don't know where you live because you put jiberish down instead of a location. However, be that as it may, if you are familiar with what's going on in the U.S., you know that support for George Bush is about 50%. Therefore, obviously we "...don't go along with whatever George Bush choses to...
  12. bluefish21


    I'm sorry if that's what you believe. You are mistaken. I get my news from many sources, both inside and outside of the U.S. media and I can see the way the news is spun elsewhere as well as here. The European media also spoon-feeding the news to it's audience, only the message is different.
  13. bluefish21


    The beheadings are barbarism, plain and simple. Most Americans realize that these fanatics do not represent the vast majority of muslims. However, the most vivid emotion right now is anger. But I don't think it will cause the U.S. to stoop to the level of these savages. Nevertheless, if we...
  14. bluefish21

    Anyone used to watch rainbow?

    I thought you meant the band.