wanna get some boots, but where to start?


New Member
Hi there!
I want to get some bootlegs, just have one for now. But it's very difficult to start trading so anyone can help me with a link to some free bootlegs or so? thnx
Heh, yep.. the DC hub is the perfect starting point for people getting into the bootleg scene :)
If you have access to USEnet newsgroup, try the MP3 groups. Most are high traffic with a lot of boots coming and going rapidly from all sorts of bands depending on the group.

Best place to start would be the main bootleg group;


This currently has around 70,000 articles posted but the count will depend on the news server you use (I use TeraNews.com)

Of course, you'll also need software to retrieve and possibly, decode and/or combine the articles but there's free and easy ones out there so that's not a problem.

However, I should point out that a lot of regular traders don't like trading for MP3 sourced discs although personally I don't care as long as they sound good.

Hope that helps.
Does that DC++ take how much room of memory(soory my bad English)from my computer?And how much time does it take to download(approximately, long time, medium or short time?)
DC++ is not problem. It doesn't take too much space on your hard disk. Problem may be you connection for downloading bootlegs. If you want CD quality bootlegs you have to download 700 MB or more for one bootleg. If you are satisfied with mp3s than it is 80 MB or more.